Family Success

Our investment in family supports recognizes that individuals and families often struggle to meet the basic needs of their household. Often, families present to local programs with immediate needs, and it is important to provide for those needs. However, these needs are likely related to complex issues that require assessment and wraparound services that help deal with the root causes for these individuals and families.

Our aim is to invest in programs that work together to meet the needs of individuals and families while also addressing root causes through collaboration and resource referrals to help clients achieve greater outcomes. 

Strategy Direction

  • Food Security- 
    • Food distribution (food and/or prepared meals) to individuals experiencing food insecurity. 
    • Promote community care coordination and service referrals to improve health equity and health outcomes.


  • Housing Supports-
    • Promote and support services that help individuals and families obtain and maintain safe, affordable, and stable housing. 
      • Supports may include, but are not limited to, advocacy, financial assistance, repairs, consultations or other services for individuals and families.
    • Promote community care coordination and service referrals to improve health equity and health outcomes.


  • Access to Healthcare
    • Promote access to mental and physical health care for low-income, uninsured, or underinsured community members.
    • Promote prescription assistance for low-income, uninsured, or underinsured community members.
    • Promote community care coordination and service referrals to improve health equity and health outcomes.


  • Services for Relationship Violence and Trafficking Survivors
    • Promote services or interventions that support survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. 
    • Promote community care coordination and service referrals to improve health equity and health outcomes.

Population of Focus

  • Low to moderate income (LMI) Families. 
  • Historically under-resourced populations.