Leave a lasting legacy and ensure our neighbors have the tools and support they need to achieve education, health and self sufficiency into perpetuity by making a planned gift to the United Way of Kaw Valley. By including the United Way in your estate planning you will not only benefit our community for generations to come, you can achieve your and your family’s financial goals as well.
Please consider supporting the pivotal work of the United Way through planned gifts of:
- Bequests (through wills or living trusts)
- Appreciated Securities
- Appreciated Real Estate
- Life Insurance
- Retirement Funds
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Pooled Income Funds
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
If you are 70.5 and have an IRA, there’s a smarter way to help our community reach new heights! Making a gift to United Way of Kaw Valley from your IRA, known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), is a tax-free way to give to the causes you care about, even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax return. Use our free and intuitive online tool from our partners at FreeWill.com to make a gift from your IRA now!
As a member of the Oliverius Society, your legacy gift will ensure that the evolving needs of everyone in our community will be met. Whether you commit your gift to education, financial stability, health or simply dedicate your gift to the ongoing stability of United Way, you secure your spot in the history AND the future of our community. Legacy gifts can include a bequest through a Will or Trust, a life insurance beneficiary designation, or a charitable IRA roll-over.See below for further information.
Maynard Oliverius grew up on a farm in west central Kansas and graduated from Fort Hays State University with a bachelor of science in business administration. He later earned a master’s degree in health care administration from the University of Minnesota. Maynard served in numerous executive roles at Stormont-Vail HealthCare, retiring as President and CEO in June 2012. He has been very active in the community, serving on numerous boards at both the local and national level. He served United Way of Greater Topeka in many roles, including committee member, Board member, Board Chair and Campaign Chair.
Sarah Oliverius grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. She holds a bachelor’s degree in dietetics from the University of Nebraska. She served as a professional consultant in food service management. Later, she joined Stormont Vail HealthCare as Director of Nutritional Services, serving in that role until retiring in 1989. Sarah served on several community boards and volunteered for numerous organizations in the Topeka community. She and Maynard have three sons and five grandchildren.
Noted for their generosity, Maynard and Sarah have named United Way of Greater Topeka in their will and continue to be passionate about the work United Way does in the Topeka community. They firmly support a mission of achieving positive, sustainable change through education, financial stability and health for everyone in our community.
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Stay tuned for a revised brochure!
If you are interested in joining the Oliverius Society through a planned or estate gift. Please contact us using the form below or by reaching out to Angel Romero at aromero@uwkawvalley.org or by calling 785-228-5128.
Planned Giving FAQs
What is planned giving?
Planned giving is a way to make a gift to your charity of choice through thoughtful estate planning. A planned gift as part of an overall estate plan takes your needs as well as the needs of your loved ones into consideration, while helping support a cause or a charity that is personally meaningful to you.
How can I make a planned gift to United Way of Kaw Valley (UWKV), or one of its impact areas, counties, or programs?
The most common way of making a planned gift is by designating United Way of Kaw Valley. Other options are designating UWKV as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. There are also other, more complex ways of setting up a planned gift. Your attorney or financial planner may have suggestions that are best suited to your unique needs.
How do I benefit from a planned gift?
A planned gift may enable you to make a much more significant impact than you may have thought possible. It can also create opportunities to support your favorite impact area or program in a very impactful way.
How do my family and other loved one’s benefit?
A planned gift can create potential savings on capital gains taxes or estate taxes, lessening the financial burden on your family and loved ones. For instance, a planned gift can reduce your estate tax liability. The assets that you transfer to United Way of Kaw Valley remain outside of your taxable estate.
How does United Way of Kaw Valley benefit from a planned gift?
Your gift can make a significant impact on United Way of Kaw Valley now and/or in the future. You also have the option to direct your gift to support a specific impact area of United Way of Kaw Valley, such as our work in childhood success or family success. You can also direct your gift to support our work in a specific county (Shawnee, Jackson, Jefferson, or Douglas County).Resource development staff can assist you with the designation and provide suggested language for your will or codicil to identify the area(s) you would like to support.
Why do I need a will?
Creating a detailed will is critical to ensuring that your estate will continue to yield benefits to your family and to the organizations that are important to you in line with your wishes. For additional information about the value of a will, download our brochure (PDF).
How do I name United Way of Kaw Valley in my will?
To name United Way of Kaw Valley in your will, you can include the following language:
I give (___ dollars/ __ percentage or all of the residue of my estate) to the United Way of Kaw Valley, an non-profit charitable organization, for the benefit of __________ (name of designation).
Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.